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Successful solution

for any situation is guaranteed

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We'll diagnose

and repairany problem

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Computer repair

and support anytime, anywhere

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Our Support

cupidatat non proident unt

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The "life blood" of a modern company is its ability to adapt to changing technology and processes. VLF Group is a diversified company with a proud history of developing breakthrough technologies that significantly improve the quality of products. We have been changing the world through innovation by integrating technology with market need.

The management has always been very open to the adoption of cutting-edge, modern and cost effective technology.

It is also one of the reasons why our products have gained acceptance across country and some of the world's most demanding customers. Testing for adherence to quality parameters is, therefore, an integral part of the manufacturing process at Alok. To ensure that our products conform to the highest quality specifications, we have set up a number of laboratories at our plants, with state-of-the-art testing equipment.

Research & Development

In a fiercely competitive industry, VaibhavLaxmi Group's innovative product range has managed to cater to rapidly changing market trends and technological changes. We do everything possible to nourish our culture of innovation. We continually invest in research and development to provide our R&D department with the resources they need.

We thrive on seeking new opportunities to make a difference and are strong supporters of change. We blend people, processes and ideas to deliver technologies that revolutionize markets. To enable our researchers to pursue their passion for innovation, we have invested intemperately in our state of the art research facility.

Our R&D efforts are focused on quality and reliability assurance and product development. Since we are an integrated unit with expertise and know-how from yarn stage and expertise for various process stages, a problem is given its due importance and is tactfully taken care of, to avoid it in future.