Call us: +91-22-32545503 / 22412169

Successful solution

for any situation is guaranteed

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We'll diagnose

and repairany problem

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Computer repair

and support anytime, anywhere

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Our Support

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Our stringent commitment to Global standards of Quality has seen us grow phenomenally over the last decade, to create a niche of our own, in the highly competitive world markets. Vaibhav Laxmi Filaments Pvt. Ltd. has been the name of one of the most innovative and leading textile producers. Our technical perfection, quality standards and innovative impacts are unique. Vaibhav Laxmi has become one of the leading symbol of quality products in the textile industry.

Behind all this success, Directors and their team have a complete vision in thier mind to make their organization as one of the top ranked company. Following is our vision statement:
"To attain market leadership through unmatched quality, a unique product mix, empowered employees, world-class systems and the highest ethical and professional standards."


Vaibhavlaxmi Filaments is devoted to achieve consistent improvement in the system of providing products & services to the customers through On Time Delivery & Enhancing Customers Satisfaction by means of Quality and Value.
Be the best in the eyes of our customers, employees & shareholders.